This site is in no way an official site of DND or the CF. Refer to "Associated Sites" to link to the official cadet site.
This site is used in support of the 187 Foothills Air Cadet Parents Sponsoring Committee and represents only information pretaining to the 187 Foothills Air Cadets. See "Associated Sites" to find the official DND websites
187 Foothills Parents Sponsoring Committee PO Box 5124 High River Alberta T1V1M3 Phone: 403-652-9662 Email: Cadet Instructor Cadre 187 Foothills RCACS PO Box 5124 High River Alberta T1V1M3
WHAT DOES THE SPONSORING COMMITTEE DO ? It is responsible to provide:
a place for Cadets to parade and do the required classroom training,
a headquarters building, where the C.O. and staff can do their work, with areas for training, supply, administration, etc.,
a plan for recruiting, (both Cadets and Officers as needed) and such funding as may be necessary to carry this out,
awards, trophies,
public relations and local promotion of the Air Cadet Movement to the local community,
such extra activities for Cadets as may be appropriate, both for training purposes (i.e. Mess Dinner, range training) and for recreational purposes (dances,picnics,swimming outings, ballgames, etc.)
encouragement and assistance to the Squadron in carrying out projects of benefit to the community, i.e. environmental clean-up campaigns,etc.
a good working relationship with representatives of the Department of National Defense, to ensure adequate and properly qualified officers and staff for the Squadron,
sponsor ship of Air Cadet bands and band training, if appropriate
A picture is available but the donation was presented to an Air Cadet and permission must be granted before this picture can be released